
Eine andere WordPress-Site.

However, we have made our website multilingual in a “home made” way and we’d like to share with everybody who might be interested. It’s really easy, and, the most important for us, it works.
First, we must state that we tried to use the WPML and the Polylang plugins, but they did not work at all, in fact our web crashed in both trials (this is just our experience).
So, how we made it? We inserted a small image at our front page, an image with many flags, and we added to this image a text with the name of different languages we wanted to add to our website. Then, we translated the front page to each new language and we made a NEW PAGE for every translation text. After that, we inserted a link forwarding to that translated page into each text line of that flags’ image from the front page, so every time one clicks to that link it opens a new page with the new language. And so for each new language.

Ut a venenatis est, eget laoreet libero. Fusce efficitur luctus posuere. Vivamus sem lorem, convallis vitae finibus at, luctus nec purus. Etiam in ultricies massa, vitae auctor urna. Vivamus aliquet, tortor et eleifend scelerisque, sem dui porttitor mi, vel venenatis metus nulla non felis. Nunc feugiat rhoncus diam id condimentum. Phasellus in iaculis mauris, non venenatis nunc. Proin eu imperdiet lorem, et hendrerit erat. Integer bibendum tellus eget ligula pharetra imperdiet. Nam rutrum dignissim ante et euismod.

In nec dapibus sapien. Mauris enim massa, eleifend ut erat at, gravida accumsan nisl. Curabitur vitae ligula sit amet risus gravida feugiat non id ante. Phasellus sollicitudin euismod egestas. Pellentesque ultrices iaculis lorem, et blandit nibh vestibulum vitae. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec vel vulputate leo. Donec quis mauris nunc. Nunc eget diam sapien. Maecenas sit amet enim posuere nisl sagittis facilisis. Maecenas placerat nulla tristique facilisis elementum.